Friday, September 29, 2023

Someone Murderous at the Midnight Motel by Kris Bock


The Midnight Motel is an average place to stay but something devious is going on. Senior sisters Jen and Kate in the process of becoming private investigators are requested to look into the possible shady dealings at the motel by owner Nathan.

A rollicking mystery with humorous comments by Kate, a crew of helpers, and a case to be solved. 

Very enjoyable-even with all the dead bodies turning up.

Mary Not Broken by Deborah L. King

A very deep, emotional and oftentimes painful story of a woman in a life of deep woes, religious beliefs, and sorrows. Mary, when young, was vibrant and alive. Losses follow her and she thinks it is all God’s retribution for her sins. She is a Black woman in a time of restrictions that she fights. A very thoughtful portrayal of Mary’s life.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Clued in Christmas by Mia Heinzelman


A very enjoyable (and spicy) story of family, close friends, lots of love and the doubts and the miscommunications that muddle thing up. It is about Nadia and Micah with fences around a love that wants no bounds. Meddling friends and an eleven year old daughter add to this delightful story.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Body in Seven Dials by H L Marsay


Living in the early 1900s was trying for women-no rights, no respect, no vote. Dorothy Peto is a suffragette in London working with a women’s rights group. The horrendous treatment of women by the police and the courts coupled with the onslaught of WW1 caused the group to develop a voluntary police group to work alongside the department. Dorothy is inquisitive, insightful and intelligent and becomes involved in helping the Scotland Yard uncover information on two murders. A very interesting historical novel.

The novel piqued my interest in WW1 England and I learned that the suffragette group in the book was an actual group working to gain women the right to vote. 

An Autumn to Remember by Robyn Neeley


A chef finds that there is taste outside her precious spice bottles when she finds herself in a small New England diner on a chef’s exchange adventure. Sloan Leary is stunned that her food offerings are shunned by the locals. The restaurant owner’s nephew Alex slowly changes her into simple cooking with a touch of love.

The Untold Story of Carol Bingley by Jame Hartley


Carol Bingley is the Marietta town gossip. No one wants to engage in conversation with her due to her mean comments. It is hard to see her as anything other than spiteful but she does have a sad and painful backstory that puts her in a new light. This is herstory-very well written and creates sympathy for Carol.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Inheritance by Nora Roberts


What a fantastic book! A very haunted manor high on a hill in Maine contains an evil, revengeful ghost and several friendly ghosts. The revengeful ghost takes the lives of brides on their wedding night and steals away their wedding ring. It has been going on for centuries and the bride ghosts remain in the manor.

A young woman inherits the manor from an uncle she never knew. He was also the unknown twin to her father. As she moves into the manor, the revengeful witch explodes with fury and mayhem. The friendly ghosts intrude on her life as welcome presences. 

Just when you think the conclusion is upon you…a cliffhanger! I cannot wait to read the next book in the trilogy.

Bright Lights, Big Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews


An oh, so enjoyable story of family, friends, and love centered around a family Christmas tree lot in New York City. Brother and sister Murphy and Kerry bring their family farm Christmas trees to their longtime lot in the city. Kerry does not usually go but her father’s illness has forced her to go. She meets Patrick and his adorable son  Austin and they bond with the mysterious older man Heinz as they write a story together. The sense of family and friendship flows off the pages. 

If you have never read any of Mary Kay Andrews novels, you will find them to be great stories with wonderful characters. I love her writing and how much she adds to each character's personality and background. Her novels are always a delight to read.

Ghosted by Sarah Ready


I loved this book where a woman who cannot talk to men is followed around by a dreamy ghost. He only knows that he is there to help her and knows relatively little about his past. As he shows her how to talk to men, she finds herself falling in love with him and he with her. They both know it is not a feasible relationship but cannot help themselves. A twist in the story brings her confusion but her determination marches forward. The rest of the story is so great and spicy, too.
I have read several of Sarah Ready's novels and they are always such fun and amusing. I heartily recommend her to you.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Abilene by Dare Delano


A must read novel, so full it almost bursts from the binding. So deeply touching and filled with the heartache of two women and a young girl, each alone in their circumstances and together in the unfairness of life. Jean is in jail for shooting her husband, feeling like she is crazy. Cora yearns for her college days and the love of Edison who up and left her. Len has always wanted to know her father-who he is, why he left before she was born. Family is on every page as you learn of how the women got where they are.

An Italian Secret by Ella Carey


The ravages of Nazi occupation of Tuscany and a woman in search of her birth family’s identity combine to create a story of fear, loss, love and secrets. Told in two time frames, the story pulls you into a time of fear and horror caused by the Nazis and into a search for truth cloaked in lies and rumor.

A very entertaining novel.

Return to Embthwaite Farm by Kate Hewitt


Deeply rooted past hurts erupt to the surface when Rachel is called home after living in London for twelve years and having fled Embthwaite farm. Her sister Harriet has treated every past visit with angry words and Rachel’s father is aloof and remote.

With her father’s undiagnosed illness looming over them, Rachel and Harriet must face the past. Rachel also has unfinished business with neighbor Ben, her longtime crush, once boyfriend, and hurtful lost love.

A very touching story of family and of lost love.

The Key to Forever by Kelly Cain


A young woman searches for her biological parents with relatively few hints. Her mother, sister and best friend are her support system providing her with love. She falls in love with her mother’s best friend’s son and finds her suppositions about love and marriage being tested. Spicy.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Hex Education by Maureen Kilmer


Three college friends learned how their combined magic could go terribly wrong. Their dorm caught fire and burned when their wishes ceremony candles sparked and began an inferno. Reunited after twenty years, their magic is stronger but not better as evidenced by the results. 

A tense drama of unfolding consequences and a surprise ending. Very good reading.

Four Silences Broken by HL Marsay


An excellent ending novel in The Secrets of Hartwell series. Again Jo, Meera, Lucy, and Rachel are experiencing drama in their lives. Their friendships carry them through the troubles and share in their joys.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger


An amazing story that slowly unfolds as the secrets held close unravel and lay in a bundle of regrets. The intersection of characters tells stories wrapped around the death of a mean, haunted man which uncovers the racist thoughts of a small Minnesota town.

Deadlier than Fiction by Carol Light


Chrys’s business is the organization of her client’s homes but she seems to find herself in the middle of crimes and murders.

In this fast paced crime novel, there is suspicion everywhere but no direct link between the suspects. Chrys treads deeper into the clues finding more confusion than facts. Great mystery!

Tempt Me Please, Cowboy by Megan Crane


Such a lovely, deep romance and hard to put down. Sydney Campbell is a Grey family descendant, growing up believing love was disappointing and nonexistent for her. Her rare visits to Marietta meant some family time and exciting evenings with Jackson Flint. He wants more from her and is willing to bet it all on the four months she is staying this time-learning, lessons, and love.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Cowboy's Lost Family by Roxanne Snopek


Loved this story! Romance, conflict, and secrets jump off the pages as Kendall and Brade deal with the trials in their personal lives and find comfort in friendship helping them through. They are a lovely, meant to be match.

When the Duke Loved Me by Lydia Lloyd


A very fun and sometimes funny novel with engaging characters and a spicy plot. The trials for women in the early 1800s are highlighted on the pages along with wanton behavior and strict society’s norms. Just a delightful story.

Take Me Please, Cowboy by Jane Porter


Just because you fall in love does not mean all will be hearts and flowers. Being in love can be exciting and wonderful but sometimes there are huge barriers that create tension, confusion, and heartache. This is what Ansley and Rye discover in this captivating story.

A Wasp in the Woods by Geri Krotow


Thriller with a side of romance. Angel, a retired Navy commander and now murder consultant, and Trinity, Stonebridge police detective, work together to solve the strange death of Mariah. Initial clues point to death by allergic reaction to wasps. There is more to the crime than meets the eye.

Enchanted to Meet You by Meg Cabot


A fun and magical story and a delight to read from page one. Evil lurks in wait to destroy a small town unless witches Jessica and Derrick can stop the approaching evil. It doesn't hurt that Jessica and Derrick have a deep chemistry and growing attachment. Love and magic, sigh.